Virginia Day Use Areas

All "Day Use Areas" are on Kerr Lake. Some, but not all of these "Day Use" areas include boat ramps. For a list of boat ramps, click here


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North Bend Park

64 North Bend Drive
Boydton, 23917

North Bend Park offers tent and trailer camping and public picnic areas.

Palmer Point

899 Palmer Point Rd
Boydton, 23917

The Army Corps of Engineers operates Palmer Point which features public boat launching, public picnic area and shelter, vault toilet, and a public ...

Staunton River State Park

1170 Staunton Trail
Scottsburg, 24589

The 2,400-acre park offers woodlands, meadows and shoreline along the Dan and Staunton rivers.

Occoneechee State Park

1192 Occoneechee Park Rd.

Occoneechee State Park is operated by the state of Virginia and is located near Clarksville.

Old Picnic Shelter

Mays Chapel Road
Boydton, 23917

The "Old Picnic Shelter" offers a public picnic shelter, grill, and porta-john from April to October.

Rudd's Creek Recreation Area

16065 Hwy 58
Boydton, 23917

The area offers public boat launching with courtesy dock, public picnic area and a shelter.